I'm a Designer, graphic and web. Here I muse about things that inspire me, frustrate me, teach me and are of me... related to design.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Attempt at Gingerbread Superheroes

My husband absolutely adores gingerbread. LOVES it. So for his birthday and Christmas and any other occasion that comes up, I make him some gingerbread cookies. The challenge for me is always trying to figure out new ways to decorate the little shapes.

Back in the beginning of December, my husband sent me this site: Sugar Swings! Serve Some.  It's a blog written by a very talented working mom who makes some amazing sugar creations for her friends and family. The post my husband happened to find was about how she made gingerbread superheroes. They are so cute! I had to try it!

So, I did. My plan was a little foiled, though, as you will see. I had allotted the last couple of weekends before Christmas as my "baking weekends", but something always happens so I end up cramming it all into one day, usually on the 23rd or Christmas Eve. Sigh. Right on queue, it happened again this year. I was put onto a project at work that had some mental timing. I ended up working until 2am or later every single night for three weeks straight, including my "baking weekends". Miraculously, I was given the 23rd off, so I baked like a fiend all day and at about 1am I started decorating my husband's gingerbread people. So, there's no fancy colours or anything, but I did my best with my white sugar icing to imitate Sugar Swings' little gingerbread superheroes. I have some of those animal cookie cutters from IKEA too (I think they're discontinued now - I couldn't find them on their site to include them in my post), so it was a mishmash of creatures. Anyway, here's what I came up with.

This is my PG13 gingerbread cookie. I come from a family that hunts.
Reed Richards of the Fantastic 4
Spiderman… Icing is hard to work with, people!
Green Lantern
The Flash
Superman. His curl sort of melded into his eye.
This is supposed to be Catwoman. But if my husband's reaction is any indication of my lack of skill with icing – "What's the one with the tie supposed to be?" – then, it will need explaining. That line down her middle is supposed to be her zipper. I originally had some provocative cleavage there, but it really just looked like a big blob on her chest, so I took it off and put that "zipper". I know. I know. Fail.
Wonder Woman
Batman. He did used to have eyes, but the icing tends to have a mind of its own. When it started oozing over his eyes, I gave up and just filled it all in. Bats are blind anyway.
Next year, I'll do my best to use colours and thicker icing. And next year hopefully, cross my fingers, I won't have to do it at 1am.

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